Photography Workshop and Google

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Sofa King Admin
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Photography Workshop and Google

Unread post by ~Z~ »

As many of you have noticed and participated in, the Photography Workshop is open. I'm just sorry I hadn't added that category sooner, as it's a perfect fit for the site. I hope we can give and get some good pointers from each other and work to be become even better photographers and the such.

Another thing that was added today was some google ads. I had heard that google can pay a pretty penny, so I want to give it a try for a bit to see how this goes. There will not be any pop up ads, or pop annoying blinking ads or one's with sounds. They pay for both clicks on the ads, and also for just showing the ad. Pages should load as quick as they usually do..The ads will feature links based on the site itself within a couple of days....if anyone has any concerns, please let me know.

Depending on the cash that will come in, if it's chumps change, i'll ditch the ads. If there is a decent amount that comes in, i think i'll be offering up some sort of gift back to you guys...
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