Photo of the day/week/month. (Input wanted)

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Photo of the day/week/month. (Input wanted)

Unread post by Scooterb »

Well folks been doing photo of the day for almost 2 months now, and it looks like it is becomeing very popular, Patrick started a thread suggestion down below and I thought we should kick this around.

#1 The photos are ones that catch my eye. (maybe you have some favorites of yours that you would like to have in the running, and I have overlooked them)
How can we adress this? (So far I have had no hate mail on this regard.)

#2 Limit on number of pictures in the running per day from each contributer to 1,2, or 3, actually this would help the person in the voting as it wont be splitting votes between your pics.
Any thoughts on this?

#3 Maybe adding another catagory for other RR related subjects, example depots, equipment,signals, crossings, rr bridges, model RR.
There are some great "other" shots that get uploaded but I dont have time to do those.

#4 Is this something Zack wants on his site?

#5 We can keep things the way they are.

#6 Question for Zack. Is there a way or a program that we can use so we can upload the pics we want in the running for pic of the day to a common poll or thread? (This might not be possable.) So one person is not making the choices,so you can upload your favorite pics for the vote?

#7 Does Zack want to add a seperate catagory for picture of the day/week/month/year.

These are some of my thoughts, What are yours.
Lets hear them.

Thanks Scott B.

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Unread post by patrick »

Personally, I thin we should keep things the way we are and just create a best of series to formulate a pic of the week, month and year. Normally i wouldn't break it down so much, but if we didnt think of how many pics we'd have to vote on. doing it this way would ensure the best choice. Scott, i think you've been more than fair is picking the choices that you have and if more than one pic from a person makes it, great.. if not, ok too.

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Unread post by Scooterb »

Well going to start picture of the week this weekend, have about 7 or 8 weeks to catch up on so make sure you get your votes in.

Then will start on picture of the month.

Ending in a picture of the year.

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Unread post by ~Z~ »

Thank you for all of the work that you do Scott. No internet access at home until Tuesday when Comcast gets us installed.(quite the messup by them at the office this morning).
Anyway, I'm going to do some checking next week to see if there is any modification available to the gallery to allow some sort of voting area. If that's not available, I'm sure this is something that we can change on the board...not sure how yet...
I definately want to see the pic of the day/week/month/year continue. I also think that changing it to one pic per person to be nominated sounds better, but only after we make some changes. I think a separate category on the message board is probably in order to keep these out of the "off subject" threads.
I'd love to figure out a way to automate this more, as I'm sure this is a lot to keep up with for Scott. Let me work on this more next week, as my house move is tomorrow, and I'm swamped temporarily.
Railroad photos on

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Unread post by Scooterb »

Cool Zack, give me a call when you are settled in, I was thinking about a seperate catagory for this or whatever ideas you can think of.
Good luck on the move.

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Re: Photo of the day/week/month. (Input wanted)

Unread post by signmasters »

Scooterb wrote: #1 The photos are ones that catch my eye. (maybe you have some favorites of yours that you would like to have in the running, and I have overlooked them)
How can we adress this? (So far I have had no hate mail on this regard.)
Thanks Scott B.
This is something that needs to be fixed, the member that uploads the photo(s) should be the one to pick which photo they want in. Maybe we could have a pick-of-the-day album that we could upload only the photo(s) we want in for that day than it can be deleted after 30 days or not. Than Scooterb can use the photos out of that pool only. You would still upload your photos into your own album. This way if you don't want to take part because your photos for that day are just not good so be it. I feel one (1) photo per member a day limit, so pick your best or wait for the next day to post that other great shot etc. This is just my idea.
A great photographer can make a great photo out of any kind of light from any angle at any time, life is not a studio! There is no such thing as bad light.

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