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Railroad history videos trying to name/locate

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:56 pm
by R.E.A.P.E.R.
I am trying to find some videos I saw a while ago that I can't name, but I remember some scenes from them. If anyone can name them, I would really appreciate it.

Scene 1: An older gentleman is telling the camera about how a man would come to the railyard and ask for a job. The superintendent would ask to see his hands and he could tell how experienced a brakeman was by the number of fingers he was missing. (Link and Pin days) If he had no fingers, he might get a job as a flagman.

Scene 2: The narrator is telling the audience that the way of robbing trains is not the Hollywood way. If a bandit rode up on horseback, the passengers and crew would just shoot him off the horse. One way a robbery was done was a man climbed a telegraph pole and sent a message to a station that he was a worker and to leave the safe open because her forgot the key/combination.

Scene 3: The scene shows some men placing dynamite against a baggage car door as the narrator says "they blew the door open...wide open" and the baggage car is turned into a flat car. (P.S. Not the scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid film, but they are referencing it.)