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Absolutely horrific performances by NFL referees today

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:18 pm
by David Collins
I was at the Lions/Packers game today, and watched a clear fumble happen next to the end zone, and everyone jumped on the ball since it was a fumble, it was originally ruled incomplete by the refs, and then New York looked at it (since there were less than 2 minutes, no challenges are allowed after 2 minutes), and the ruling stood. Now, I have heard thunderous booing at Ford Field, but I’ve never heard anything like the booing that moment; even the green bay fans sitting next to us were appalled about the call. The Lions still won, but barely.

Then it got worse, as a BLATANTLY obvious Pass Interference call that would’ve been called for Chicago against Miami pretty much went unnoticed. That would’ve been an instant win for the Bears.

I’ve seen lots of bad calls/no calls, but this is the worst I’ve ever seen, and even former NFL referees have said that the league should be questioning the referees and officials that made (or didn’t make) the calls today.

I seriously hope this gets looked at, when you hear an opponent's team booing the refs for a call that‘s clear as day in favor of the opponent. You know something has gone seriously wrong.

Re: Absolutely horrific performances by NFL referees today

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 7:48 am
by PatAzo
Years ago William Clay Ford was asked why he didn't spend money on better players and field a better team. Ford in so may words said the Lions were a business, it was profitable they way it was and there would not be a return on the investment in high salary players. So you have players who know they will never be in a championship slogging through their careers on a second rate team. It was a 1-6 team. Fans go for the experience not to see good football.

The NFL probably faces the same employment challenges as every other business. Some referees are good and some suck. Where do you send the good ref's. The Lions or a game with a team(s) that have a shot at the playoffs?

Re: Absolutely horrific performances by NFL referees today

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:49 pm
by Jochs