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Amtrak Venture Car test train today

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:05 am
by Tim
Testing begins for new Amtrak cars (updated), By Bob Johnston, January 25, 2021
With Charger locomotives on each end, the first over-the-road test of Siemens Venture cars for Midwest service leaves Chicago Monday morning, Jan. 25. The test train, with four coaches separated by former heritage sleeping car Pacific Bend, housing test equipment and personnel, is operating east to Pontiac, Mich., on the schedule of Wolverine Service train no. 350, which has not been operating since last March. The purpose is to monitor interaction with crossing starts and the ITCS and I-ETMS positive train control systems at track speeds, which can reach 110 mph on the Porter, Ind., to Kalamazoo, Mich., portion of the route. It is set to return to Chicago on Tuesday morning following Wolverine no. 351 to Battle Creek and train no. 365, the Blue Water, from there to Chicago. Trains News Wire

Re: Amtrak Venture Car test train today

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:25 pm
by GP30M4216
Trains News Wire reporting Amtrak is expecting to debut the new Venture passenger equipment on the Wolverine later this spring.

Re: Amtrak Venture Car test train today

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:36 pm
by PerRock
I'm guessing their behind schedule, but the MDOT guy I was talking to while waiting for the test train to come by said that thee Venture cars were supposed to be entering service on IL trains before the end of March, then MI in late April. Been thinking about reaching out to MDOT again to see if there was a timeline update.
