C&O 4-8-4 614 restoration announced

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C&O 4-8-4 614 restoration announced

Unread post by GP30M4216 »

Railfan and Railroad article: https://railfan.com/chesapeake-ohio-614 ... -launched/#

Official Press Release: https://www.co614.com/november-8-2024-press-release/

The proposed timeline is not wasting any time, with a potential return to operation as soon as the end of 2026.

Is it just me or does it feel like we are heading into a rather bright era for big steam in this country? Many large tea kettles are running or recently restored including the Big Boy, CP 2816, the two ATSF 4-8-4s, NKP 765, Reading 2102, the 611, and our own PM1225. Meanwhile several more credible restorations are underway, including C&O 2716 in Kentucky, 2101 in Cleveland, PRR 1361 in Altoona, CNOTP 576 in Nashville, and now the 614. Plus any number of slow-and-steady projects or just announced long term efforts such as NYC 3001.

It just feels like there is a good energy around steam preservation these days. What others am I forgetting? 8)

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Erroneous Monk
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Re: C&O 4-8-4 614 restoration announced

Unread post by Erroneous Monk »

All seems very exciting to me! My only question is how much steam can we actually support on this continent, feels like we might be quickly approaching saturation of the market...

Does anyone know who is behind this RJD America entity? Google's telling me it can't open the website :(

Man o' War
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Re: C&O 4-8-4 614 restoration announced

Unread post by Man o' War »

Fantastic news. Jason Johnson is a part of RJD, and that gives you a good indication at the point of departure as to the credibility of this project. I chased that thing for 18 days straight in January of 1985 as it hauled coal up the New River in West Virginia with Ross Rowland at the throttle. Loved the territory so much, that I bought a house at Hawks Nest (Ansted), took my wife there and currently raise our 3 daughters in beautiful Appalachia. Hope to see 614 right back in my backyard on the great C&O mainline - where she belongs...

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Re: C&O 4-8-4 614 restoration announced

Unread post by CSXBOY »

Very very excited about this. 614 is one of my favorite steam locomotives. When I was young I got a dvd covering C&O 614 when she dad excursions on the NJ Transit I loved every bit of it as it was doing a good 70 mph and that reading 6 chime whistle was amazing. Hopefully that all happens again and right now it looks like a very good chance. CSX should take notice and run it on the former C&O trackage! One can only dream!

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