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@ ~Z~ « Fri 7:31:55 am »
awaken with thee
@ Jetlink « Fri 7:26:57 am »
@ AARR « Fri 6:06:27 am »
@ Jeff L « Fri 12:03:09 am »
@ Jetlink « Thu 11:45:46 pm »
Sleepy sleepy?
@ Jetlink « Thu 9:35:34 pm »
Bikey #2 from my mom’s house to my house this evening. Includes two miles of gravel. 5.08mi Hybrid Cycling 5.08 Distance(mi) 17.21 Avg Speed(mph) 17:44 Duration 261 Calories(kcal) 111.5 Elevation Gain(ft)
@ Jetlink « Thu 9:33:49 pm »
Bikey #1 this afternoon from Brother #3’s house to Brother #2’s house just after lunchtime today. Mostly tailwinds and at least 6 miles of gravel (by choice). 14.00mi Hybrid Cycling 14.00 Distance(mi) 16.00 Avg Speed(mph) 52:30 Duration 709 Calories(kcal) 247.4 Elevation Gain(ft)
@ Jetlink « Thu 9:30:39 pm »
AARR wrote: Go for a bike ride Jet…..
Bikey complete X 2
@ Jetlink « Thu 9:29:12 pm »
@ Jetlink « Thu 9:20:58 pm »
Make your time.
@ Jetlink « Thu 9:20:55 pm »
You are on the intertube path of destruction.
@ Jetlink « Thu 9:20:49 pm »
All your interbase are belong to us.
@ Jetlink « Thu 8:42:17 pm »
~Z~ wrote: the intertubes do not belong to you SD80mac
truth. I have decided to take over the interwebs.
@ Jetlink « Thu 8:32:58 pm »
Something that doesn’t get talked about enough... the way as you age, you develop samurai intuition on the microwave. I am at the point now where I can confidently put any old thing in there, hit 999 / START and trust that I will effortlessly pop that door the exact moment it’s ready. I just feel it in my soul. I am the Mr Miyagi of electromagnetic radiation.
@ ~Z~ « Thu 3:21:11 pm »
the intertubes do not belong to you SD80mac
@ SD80MAC « Thu 3:04:34 pm »
@ edkyle99 « Thu 1:27:51 pm »
has started a new topic: Spine Line Intermodal
@ David Collins « Thu 1:13:37 pm »
@ ~Z~ « Thu 11:06:43 am »
celebrating snoopdober’s 80th this evening
@ SD80MAC « Thu 10:11:11 am »
@ Michael « Thu 10:05:27 am »
Lots of birthdays today. September has the most births worldwide. You can fact check that.
@ Jetlink « Thu 7:47:30 am »
~Z~ wrote: I’m thinking jetlink has been on that meme site and copy/pasting stuff... otherwise, it appears a bike ride did not fix that part of him
The bike ride was really great though.
@ Jetlink « Thu 7:47:10 am »
@ ~Z~ « Thu 7:00:10 am »
got 15 in yesterday evening just after sunset
@ ~Z~ « Thu 6:59:45 am »
I’m thinking jetlink has been on that meme site and copy/pasting stuff... otherwise, it appears a bike ride did not fix that part of him
@ AARR « Thu 6:13:46 am »
Early morning joggy, no bear sightings :-)
@ AARR « Thu 6:13:29 am »
@ Jochs « Thu 3:47:55 am »
@ Jeff L « Thu 12:00:01 am »
@ Jetlink « Wed 10:20:45 pm »
AARR wrote: I’m still waiting for the day that bears make it this far south (Romeo, MI) and I get to see one while out for one of my early morning jogs :-)
We have had several confirmed bear sightings in and near Lake Odessa. Also just west of Ionia. I saw three bears in July while bicycling down old M-63 just west of Luther, MI. I have photo and video proof. It would not be completely out of the question that solitary male black bears could be roaming near or in Romeo.
@ Jetlink « Wed 10:17:20 pm »
Hello there sir/maam. I have just had the displeasure of light shining into my retina that has made me see your comment. It is very unfortunate that I have to read such atrocity. It makes me want to burrow myself up my mother’s womb again. At that very moment, you see, I wish I was illiterate. But that is besides the point.
@ Jetlink « Wed 10:09:14 pm »
17.48mi Hybrid Cycling 17.48 Distance(mi) 16.84 Avg Speed(mph) 1:02:20 Duration 893 Calories(kcal) 300.9 Elevation Gain(ft)
@ Jetlink « Wed 10:06:36 pm »
All were accomplished.
@ Jetlink « Wed 10:06:17 pm »
Goals were to burn 845 calories min. 16.0 mph avg min. 1 phase. Entire ride in low range/small chain ring on the front.
@ Jetlink « Wed 10:05:17 pm »
Bikey complete.
@ Jetlink « Wed 10:04:56 pm »
AARR wrote: Go for a bike ride Jet…..
Good idea.
@ Saturnalia « Wed 7:43:26 pm »
What has happened to Randy? lol
@ J T « Wed 6:33:45 pm »
Jetlink wrote: rock-paper-scissors, or rps if you’re a Gamer
was it referred to as “rps” before “Gamers” referred to it as such?
@ Jetlink « Wed 5:55:42 pm »
For the past 20 years, on the first Tuesday of every month, I buy _precisely_ 5 lbs of fried clam strips, 20 fried fish filets, a bag of fries, a bag of hush puppies, and 2 gallons of vinegar. I combine all of this in my clawfoot bathtub, and soak myself up to my armpits for 10 minutes per set, 3 sets an hour for a full 24 hours. This fully cleanses my pores and rejuvenates my whole mind and body keeping me fresh at work. Thank you Long John’s. I owe you a tub of gratitude.
@ SD80MAC « Wed 4:25:07 pm »
Jetlink wrote: and what does eat hot chip even mean anyway.
hot chip = Flamin’ Hot Cheetos
@ Erroneous Monk « Wed 2:41:44 pm »
RPS is the cardless man’s poker
@ AARR « Wed 1:57:59 pm »
Go for a bike ride Jet…..
@ Jetlink « Wed 1:52:34 pm »
today i come here to ask, is rps a luck-based game? you don’t know what your opponent is going to use, so is it rng whether you win or not? is losing scissors to a rock the equivalent of getting flinched 7 times in a row by iron head jirachi? i’ve been thinking about this way more than i should be.
@ Jetlink « Wed 1:52:14 pm »
rock-paper-scissors, or rps if you’re a Gamer, is a hand game as old as time. it involves you and a partner smacking your hand 3 times before throwing 1 of 3 gang signs: rock, paper, or scissors. rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. this is how it has been played for decades, and this is how it will be played until the inevitable heat death of the universe.
@ Jetlink « Wed 1:46:48 pm »
In fact I don’t think I’ve ever met him.
@ Jetlink « Wed 1:46:31 pm »
I don’t even think Chip is that hot.
@ Jetlink « Wed 1:46:19 pm »
and what does eat hot chip even mean anyway.
@ Jetlink « Wed 1:46:00 pm »
@ J T « Wed 1:40:21 pm »
@ Andy24 « Wed 11:31:16 am »
@ ~Z~ « Wed 11:20:02 am »
i see you editing this post over and over GRHC :)
@ GRHC « Wed 11:17:40 am »
Why did my iPhone smiley face on this website turn into a blue box with a AHAHAHHAHA Owned, i owned your post, pwnd! muhahahaha
@ ~Z~ « Wed 11:16:49 am »
AARR wrote: Seems that way somedays
appears to be some meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/eat-hot-chip-and-lie
@ AARR « Wed 9:52:39 am »
Seems that way somedays
@ SD80MAC « Wed 9:34:26 am »
All girls these days know is be bisexual, charge they phone, twerk, eat hot chip, and lie
@ AARR « Wed 9:16:07 am »
Maddening , isn’t it Z?
@ ~Z~ « Wed 9:01:31 am »
dear user - why did you reply to a group email asking me to have someone else contact you, when you could have just emailed/called the other employee directly. So yes, I replied all, added the person in question, and told them to contact the original sender.
@ AARR « Wed 7:53:37 am »
has started a new topic: The most memorable movie trains
@ AARR « Wed 7:46:51 am »
I’m still waiting for the day that bears make it this far south (Romeo, MI) and I get to see one while out for one of my early morning jogs :-)

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idle Jetlink 
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