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Last comments - Pete Mayor
Where?Where is it?Dan M10/25/08 at 15:58Pete Mayor: Seems like the area was once a rail yard. Looks l...
~Z~10/20/08 at 11:09Pete Mayor: Looks like Family Lines paint to me. And since tha...
South Shore 2004South Shore 2004 heads down the middle of 11th Street in Michigan City.EJ&ESDM80910/19/08 at 23:48Pete Mayor: Ask me about the time we drag-raced 3 CSS Geeps fr...
Some random crane along US23 between Bay City and MackinawCAT345C10/15/08 at 12:28Pete Mayor: You're supposed to say you meant to do that! ...
Some random crane along US23 between Bay City and MackinawCAT345C10/15/08 at 11:29Pete Mayor: C'mon, it's just an excuse to shoot your t...
Q216 - 09 CSX 7309 7316 Southbound through Plymouth 08-09-2008Stitch10/02/08 at 21:40Pete Mayor: I think the stormy sky actually sets the blue pain...
NS 6775Piercing through the fog, NS 6775 heads west nearing 28th Rd in Butler, IN. 04/05/08~Z~10/01/08 at 07:49Pete Mayor: Nice one!!!
MarquetteWhat is this car used for?lee4517409/26/08 at 07:40Pete Mayor: Damn, that is really cool!
~Z~09/12/08 at 16:58Pete Mayor: Is this one at Henry Street yard in Muskegon?
Drop-offMMRR Z627 drops off the conductor at the Holland Depot for the reverse move into Waverly Yard. 8/29/08Mr. Tops08/30/08 at 17:40Pete Mayor: Mr. Tops is my Muskegon hero! Superb photo!!!
Luckest kid in the world???on Marquette Rail 2635 heading with a cut of cars towards the drawbridge in Manistee on August 19 I spotted what has to be the luckest kid in the world.SteveHiuzenga08/22/08 at 08:46Pete Mayor: Is his finger up his nose?
HO Scale GRE GP38GR #3839 painted and detailed by Russel D. (aka CSX_CO)SD80MAC07/14/08 at 20:19Pete Mayor: Way sweet! I want one!!!
TSBY 385TSBY 385 following PM 1225 into the fairgrounds area near Chesaning, MI. 12/10/05~Z~06/30/08 at 05:23Pete Mayor: So what it that, about 50 feet or so?
C&O 3018, GP30 from 1985This train is located next to the old multi story Montgomery Wards store in South Baltimore. The tracks, #3 and #4 are part of a loop that leaves the CSX Baltimore to Washington DC Main Line at Mt. Winans Yard, swings through Mt. Clare, and joins the #1 and #2 main at Carroll. The former Carroll Tower is gone and that track is covered by the Interstate 95 overpass. Trains off the Main and Old Main Lines still park here and wait ,sometimes for a fresh crew. Washington Blvd is only a few feet ahead. flafiretwo06/10/08 at 22:23Pete Mayor: You're baaack! Awesome!!!
Hmmm where is itDan M05/11/08 at 20:49Pete Mayor: Windsor?
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