Last comments - Pete Mayor
Moon over DeshlerSaw MagnumForce getting some sweet shots of the moon, tried this..meh, i need to get better at night shooting. 06/11/11~Z~06/23/11 at 22:17Pete Mayor: Oh man, wow!
Indiana Michigan Power loco.The switcher for Cook Nuclear in Bridgman, MI 6-24-08Pete Mayor05/29/11 at 22:57Pete Mayor: Sadly enough, no. I was able to visit briefly but...
Ex-Conrail van in Jackson, MI 2-11-2011Pete Mayor02/12/11 at 01:05Pete Mayor: Looked like it was hooked up, flagged and ready to...
Happy Thanksgiving!Y@11/25/10 at 09:27Pete Mayor: Very nice. Happy T-day to you too.
Grand Elk 4124 and 4125Didn't realize when I shot these on September 15 north of Wayland they were numbered back to backSteveHiuzenga09/28/10 at 15:05Pete Mayor: This is really a great shot.
Z62719Nice to see Mid Michigan Railroad Z62719's new schedule in daylight! 5:30 PM heading into Holland on October 19, 2009.Tlout10/20/09 at 20:40Pete Mayor: Sweet. Jealous now.
WSOR 401 in Janesville, WI 8-22-09Pete Mayor10/06/09 at 21:53Pete Mayor: This was a jpeg. I was trying to be funny in my f...
WSOR 401 in Janesville, WI 8-22-09Pete Mayor10/05/09 at 13:21Pete Mayor: Would you believe me if I told you that's real...
Q231 heads south through LeipsicMagnumForce06/29/09 at 19:42Pete Mayor: WOW! Superb photo. Would nominate it for POTD!
When Proviso was cool... 1994 part 1CNW 903 sittin' pretty at Proviso!Pete Mayor06/28/09 at 10:05Pete Mayor: Good eye spotting the 4160. I think I have shots ...
Clearing Yard 1995SP's ready track at Clearing.Pete Mayor06/28/09 at 10:04Pete Mayor: Thanks! You really are the Tops!
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