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Last additions - Shorthaul's Gallery
My Truck ES44AHThe ranger I normally drive next to a CSX ES44AH and a Dash 8ShorthaulAug 24, 2010
Mysterious objects near the old Wabash ferry docks in Detroit-zooming out fartherShorthaulAug 11, 2010
Mysterious objects near the old Wabash ferry docks in DetroitShorthaulAug 11, 2010

Deshler Trip


10 files, last one added on Jul 01, 2010
Album viewed 131 times

GLC 2010 Summer Tie Replacement


10 files, last one added on Jun 30, 2010
Album viewed 121 times



3 files, last one added on Aug 24, 2010
Album viewed 109 times

3 albums on 1 page(s)

Random files - Shorthaul's Gallery
A Very Special RailfanOur very special (and "different") Y@Shorthaul
Stack of ties north of Osmer SidingSouthwest of the Joy Rd. CrossingShorthaul
Tie gangThe second half of a random tie gang. 2 tie cranes, tie inserter, 2 spikers and a tamper. I'm thinking that there are a few more spikers, and anchor setters, but I didn't have room, due to the fact that tampers are the bestShorthaul

Last comments - Shorthaul's Gallery
Mysterious objects near the old Wabash ferry docks in DetroitShorthaul08/11/10 at 22:13GP30M4216: There is a truck transload of peat moss and bagged...
Osmer TiesTies along Osmer siding, interchange cars at Osmer, and the tie stack to the rightShorthaul06/30/10 at 20:45SMRGUY: rumor is the a siding is being added
North of the StackThis is the view looking north of the stacks of ties, which is directly north of Joy roadShorthaul06/30/10 at 20:38bnsfMAN93: AWFUL photo quality