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Semaphores and a Wig Wag

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:26 am
by Ypsi
Like many this year, I made a trip down to the semaphores in New Mexico and the Wig Wag in Delhi. It was a crazy trip where my brother and I covered thousands of miles of driving as well as long days in the rental car. We managed to bag a number of different spots as well as some nice consists for the southwest Chiefs. Here are the best videos from the trip including a couple chases and nice catches.

Virtual Reality Video (Watch on Youtube/ YouTube App):

With the future of the blades in question it was a nice trip to take, and if you have the time I would highly recommend it!

Re: Semaphores and a Wig Wag

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:14 pm
by SW
Thanks for sharing!